​Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you have had a good week.  The children in both rooms have had fun with the rice, pouring it from container to container and using tools to fill them.  This is a great maths activity for measurement.  The children have to work out different maths problems while playing, e.g. is it quicker to use the small spoon or the scoop to fill the containers, which one holds the most or the least, is the container full or empty?  

Stories we are enjoying this week: 

'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell in the two year room.  We use a story sack with this story
'WOW! said the Owl' by Tim Hopgood in the three/four-year room (AM story)   This is a lovely story about colours.  We had silk scarves and we sang 'I can Sing a Rainbow' using makaton signs too.    
'Titus's Troublesome Tooth' by Linda Jennings and Gwyneth Williamson (PM story) 

Just for fun:  Why not go on a nature walk with your child.  Take a bag with you and your child can collect fallen leaves, twigs etc.  When you go back home can your child sort the items into groups of either twigs, leaves etc.  Can they put the twigs in size order?  Which is the thickest or the shortest?  Can they put the leaves in size order?  Or you could ask them what colour the leaves are?  Do the children know why the leaves are different colours now?  A lovely book some of the children have been reading is called 'The Leaf Thief' by Alice Hemming which looks at colours and Autumn.

REMINDER:  We close for a two week half-term today.

Have an enjoyable half-term break and we look forward to seeing you when we return on Monday 04 November 2024.

Plough Green πŸ˜€

Newsletter - 18 October 2024



Plough Green Pre-school